- BUAD 312: Statistics and Data Science for Business, Spring 2021.
- Co-taught with Jacob Bien
- I made a
R package
to make it easier to share data sets with students - I used blogdown to make a website
for specifying which instructor is holding office hours
![screenshot of office hours page page](/office_hours_schedule.png)
- I made an additional website
to host supplementary files used during our lectures (this time using
) ![screenshot of Nightingale plot recreation page](/nightingale_plots.png)
Teaching Assistant:
- BUAD 312: Statistics and Data Science for Business, Spring 2020.
- I developed a shiny app
for grading problem set submissions.
- The app displays the knitted HTML file from students and shows the diff output of their .Rmd file compared to the template .Rmd file for the problem set.
![Screenshot of shiny app](/grading_app_screenshot.png)